Kamis, 22 Juli 2010

85,welcomees ♡

yey yey yey,akhirnya gue masuk kelas delapan lima,asik sih walau pun yang cowo nya banyak BACOT tapi sama aja kaya gue haha ;p
gue duduk sama audy,didepan gue halimah sama fati
nnt gue mau nulis absen2 kelas deeh(kurang kerjaan ya?)tapi bodo haha

~ghinva ♡~

love,faith and hope

Sabtu, 10 Juli 2010

welcomes for my new grade

hey. do not feel my eighth grade has gone up. even though my grades are not so satisfactory, but I'm proud, I could take classes and go to class 85. I was so proud to enter into 85 classes, although I can not get into 81 classes, where a class whose content smart kids with a million achievement. maybe in the fourth semester will I get in 81 but yeah I attempt to live is to learn by actively not joking. I'm proud, I have parents who always support me in whatever activities they are giving me a new spirit in life. indeed this year the value of my report cards so parents declined to be honest I would not like it but they do not show it to me. this time I promise on my life I will try to show a proud achievement. and my parents came and they said "we are proud of the achievement." ok that's all I want to tell all
I hope you liked my writing this time

ghinva ~ ~ ~

good bye 77,i will miss you

heyoo blog
gak kerasa gue udh naik kelas 8 HAHA
tapi berat banget ninggalin 77,soalnya disitu banyak banget kenangan terindah yang really unforgettable :).dari yang mulai suka-sukaan,berantem,sedih,senang,canda,tawa sampai yang dihukum 1 kelas.emang sih kelas 77 itu terkenal banget bandelnya tapi sebenarnya mereka semua itu baik :D.emang juga kelas 77 itu pada gak suka piket,kotor tapi mereka semua itu sebenernya peduli sama kebersihan kelas :)
sumpah 77,kelas paling ujung yang banyak orang menganggap kelas anak2 bodoh,padahal isinya pinter semua :).
6 bulan gue lewati bareng 77 rasanya berat banget buat nge akhirinya.
semuanya terlewati dengan senyum dan sedih kita :)
berawal dr kelas berbeda
sifat yang berbeda
tapi kita bisa bersatu membentuk kelas yang makmur :).
emang dikalangan siswa kelas 7 lain 77 itu terkenal banget bandelnya
tapi menurut gue 77 the best class of many class.

77,gue harap lo gak bakal ngelupain semua kenangan itu

love much the student of 77

Jumat, 09 Juli 2010

Hey bloger,sorry because i;m very long not post :)

bloger sejatiii,hey....
sorry banget gue udh gak nge post lagi huhu,soalnya beberapa bualn dahulu kala ada masalah gitu -__________- so,gue gak bisa main internet di computer
but now,after this insyallah gue sering nge post HAHA -_-
bloger,sebenarnya banyak banget cerita yang bakal gue ceritain tapi gak disini okaaay?
bye blogi habis ini ngepost lagi kok :)